
>Hello! My name is L10XDE (LEE-OX-EE-DAY) and welcome to my house!

>This is where I live on the internet. I use this space to express myself, experiment with coding, and educate others (that's you! hopefully..)

>Everything here (unless otherwise stated) is completely free to use, no credit required. The only things you absolutely CANNOT use, are my own drawings. other than that!! I encourage you to look into my (questionable) code and snatch anything you find useful. There are additional resources under the (you'll never guess it) resources tab!

GET ME OUT OF HERE!121!! LET ME OUT OF THIS STUPID BOX!! ... ... ... HELLO?? CAN YOU HEAR MEE??... ... ... at least i have u blahaj ... ... *sigh* ... ... ... ... ... Y29tZSB2aXNpdCBtZSBpbiB0aGUgZ3Vlc3Rib29rIGh0dHBzOi8vZGlnaXRhbGRheWRyZWVhYW0ubmVvY2l0aWVzLm9yZy9jMmx5Wlc0




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